Ø Documentary film
On 13 May 2013 we started recording the album Ø neønymus, cloistered at the Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos, under the authorization of P. Abad, Dom Lorenzo, and with the intercession of P. Alfredo.
Every night, at half past ten, when the community was already resting in their cells, we rode the microphones in the church, darefooted, stealthy and with a deep respect for the place and what we were doing. The door of the presbytery closed resonating powerful, and Silverio was only in the temple, in darkness. Bernardo and Suso took refuge in a small cubicle, next to the other side of the thick stone walls. At half past five, we gathered everything and we walked to our cells to sleep, crossing with some old monks who came to the choir to pray.
A few days later, we continue recording in forests and caves surrounding the monastery.
We humbly present this documentary, which includes some of the time.